
Today was a day I hope I will never have to repeat. Molly and I were doing our usual Friday morning things which consist of cleaning the house, lounging, laundry, and just playing. I started to vacuum and Molly was sitting on the couch watching Toy Story. As I got closer to the couch Molly got up on all fours and said, "momma vacuum." The next thing I knew she was on the floor screaming. I picked her up and her whole entire face was BLOOD.... I wanted to die it scared me sooo bad. I noticed it all coming out of her head. I went into panic mode and I started to cry. The blood was coming out so fast and there was so much of it. After ten minutes, a half bag of wipes, and lots of blood later I managed to gather myself and her and head to the doctors office. Sure enough my worst fear, she needed stitches or staples. I said no way on the staples and she ended up with 3 stitches in her pretty little head. She did fairly well, I was a mess when they asked me to hold her down while they stitched. I felt so bad the whole entire time and I still do! Who would have thought a vacuum could cause that much damage. She only fell about a foot, but hit the right spot. After we left the doctors office she kept pointing to her head saying "owie". I know accidents can't always be prevented I just pray I will never have to do it again with a baby. Love you Molly Jane, you were a brave little princess today!


Tonight was one of those nights I am happy to be me. I got to rock Molly to sleep and cuddle for a long time (which never happens). As I was rocking her I started to think how much I love my little family. Ty is gone hunting with the boys in my family for a week, and its just me and the girls. Its only been one night and I miss him already. I am happy to have some mommy/molly time, and having Ty gone helps me realize how much he really means to me. When he gets back i'm sure he'll have some great stories and pics that I will post.
                                                 don't mind the facial hair it is for the hunt :)


fall is here and we are loving the weather! the last month has flown by. we traveled up to idaho to spend some more time with family, ty went on a "boys harley trip" to jackson, now he is getting ready to go on a week long hunting trip with the boys in my family. its not fun having him gone, but i'm glad he's having fun. molly is growing up so fast the last couple months. she is no longer my little baby. she wants to pee on the potty, feed herself, dress herself, pick out her clothes, and just be a big girl. she has discovered "pretties" "purses" "dancing" and "shopping", her passions in life :). there isn't a dull minute with her she is always on the go and making us laugh. i have been horrible about taking pictures and updating. so here are a few of my favorites from the last month.
just got done playing in the sand
playing with rylie bates
finding rocks
"molly" face, drool and all
Gardner village with cousins
not a fan of the witch
Happy Fall!


Can't get enough of her


So when Molly was 6 months old, we had an amazing opportunity to model for a clothing line. The clothing line is called Doll Cake, or Baby Cake Vintage. You can see or purchase the clothes at www.babycakevintage.com.au. The photographer is amazing as well, and lucky me it was a friend/room mate from college. She does such a wonderful job and I would recommend her to anyone (in or close to Idaho) her name is Cassie and her website is www.pinkpaisleyphoto.com



growing up fast...
up the canyon with the zurchers. molly loves playing with lucy :)
love my family


Happy Anniversary
3 years ago I married my best friend
I am thankful every day for him and his devotion and love
to me and our family!
Love you

Life has been super busy lately, I just had a minor surgery and ty has been working a lot. Molly has just been walking all over the place getting into trouble.. I have a lot of pics to share and hopefully will get it done this week.  I also go back to work this week, training for the up coming school year. I decided I was ready to try part time this year, so I will be teaching 4 YEAR OLDS. YA i'm a little nervous but, it will be fun.


Molly turns ONE

Molly's birthday was on the 14th, I can't believe how fast time flies. The past year has been the best year of our lives. Tyler and I catch ourselves staring at her everyday, asking each other how we got so lucky to have her in our family. She truly is a special little angel, that can make anyone smile no matter what is going on in your day! The day of her birthday we took some friends to the petting zoo at Thanksgiving point, Molly wasn't to excited about the pony ride or any of the animals.. But enjoyed the tractor ride. 
That weekend we had her birthday party. We were able to have most my family here and celebrate with them, ty's family and good friends. It was a blast! Molly loved having her friends there, opening presents, and as you can tell from the pictures EATING HER CAKE! That's my daughter :) Thanks everyone for coming and for celebrating..


Lake Powell #2
 This year we got to head down to Powell on the fourth of July! It was a fun way to celebrate.Every moment in Powell is fun and exciting. We love being down there, it is Ty and I's second home.  Molly also has learned to love it, she is our little fishy that can't get enough of the water and the boat. She loves the wind blowing in her face when we drive fast on the boat. Thanks everyone for the awesome trip!
 Good Morning Sunshine!
Molly and Hallie's favorite game is to switch binkys and blankies
The boys worked really hard on building this underwater fire pit. It was really cool once the fire was burning and it was actually on top of the water. We are lucky that Taylor is alive and well with all the hair on his head. Starting the fire got a little dangerous. Tay, what will we do without you next year?!

see you in 2 months...